Internet futures reconsidered: Human rights and emerging technologies

Online webinar / recording
Wednesday - May 15, 2019
5:00 pm
6:30 pm

Watch a recording of the presentation here:

Marianne Franklin is Professor of Global Media and Politics at Goldsmiths, University of London. During her visit to New Zealand, she will be presenting this PrivacyLive forum at the University of Auckland Business School in partnership with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and the Privacy Foundation of New Zealand.

Prof Franklin convenes the Internet Futures and Human Rights research hub at Goldsmiths and is founding editor of the Human Rights and the Internet series on openDemocracy.

Her presentation is about recognising that human rights – and privacy rights in particular – require protecting online as well as offline. But the global reach and market concentration of the world’s tech giants like Facebook, Google and Amazon continue to grow, putting pressure on existing human rights law and norms to respond in time. We’ve seen it recently in the inadequacy of Facebook’s response to the live-streaming of the Christchurch mosque shootings.

Prof Franklin’s presentation will consider how these developments impact human rights advocacy for internet policy agenda-setting at all levels; internet design, terms of access and use, data and content management.

Prof Franklin is also convener of the MA Program in Global Media and Transnational Communications and Lead of the EU/UK Hub in the Australian Research Council-funded international research project, Deathscapes: Mapping Race and Violence in Settler Societies.

She is also the author of a number of books, including Digital Dilemmas: Power, Resistance and the Internet and numerous other publications, as well as a longstanding advocate for human rights approaches to internet policy-making at the UNESCO Internet Governance Forum and the Council of Europe and EU Commission.